How it Works ============ This package uses `python-dotenv `_ to read and load environmental variables from ``.env`` files, and `cryptography `_ for encrypting and decrypting ``.env`` files. The purpose of this package is to avoid plain text ``.env`` files by encrypting them, which can be useful in cases where the ``.env`` file is shared unintentionally (e.g. committed by accident, forgot to remove before sending in an email, malicious access when leaving computer unattended). The scope of this package is limited to: 1. Encrypting/decrypting ``.env`` files with a randomly generated key 2. Loading environmental variables from encrypted ``.env`` files into Python 3. Saving environmental variables from Python into encrypted ``.env`` files .. digraph:: methods rankdir = LR; file[label=".env" shape=oval]; dotenv[label="dotenv (pkg)" shape=rect]; cryptography[label="cryptography (pkg)" shape=rect]; subgraph cluster0 { label=< edotenv (pkg) >; style=rounded; file -> dotenv [label=<read/load>]; dotenv -> cryptography [label=<encrypt>]; cryptography -> file [label=<decrypt>]; } For more details, see the `API Reference <./reference/index.html>`_ for source code and documentation.