How it Works

Adding Routes, Routers, and Events

The msdss_base_api.core.API wraps around FastAPI to define routes and logic, while Uvicorn is used to serve the APIs programmatically.

First a FastAPI() object is created, and routes/routers are added with .add_api_route() / .include_router(), while API events are handled with .add_event_handler(). Then uvicorn is used to run the app with .run(). These form the basis of adding routes, routers, and events.

digraph methods1 {

api[label="FastAPI" URL="" style=filled];
apiroutemeth[label=".add_api_route()" shape=rect style=rounded];
eventhandlermeth[label=".add_event_handler()" shape=rect style=rounded];
routermeth[label=".add_event_handler()" shape=rect style=rounded];

server[label="Uvicorn" URL="" style=filled];
run[label=".run()" shape=rect style=rounded];
start[label=".start()" shape=rect style=rounded];

addevent[label=".add_event()" shape=rect style=rounded];
addroute[label=".add_route()" shape=rect style=rounded];
addrouter[label=".add_router()" shape=rect style=rounded];

subgraph cluster {
   label=< <B>msdss-base-api.core.API (add_route/router/event)</B> >;
   {rank=min; api -> server;}

   apiroutemeth -> api[arrowhead=none];
   routermeth -> api[arrowhead=none];
   eventhandlermeth -> api[arrowhead=none];
   run -> server[arrowhead=none];

   apiroutemeth -> addroute;
   routermeth -> addrouter;
   eventhandlermeth -> addevent;
   run -> start;

For more information on adding routes, routers, and events, see:

Combining Routes, Routers, and Events Across Apps

When adding routes, routers, and events, the arguments are tracked in attributes routes, routers, and events, which are then used to combine routes, routers, and events from other app instances.

digraph methods2 {

addevent[label=".add_event()" shape=rect style=rounded];
addroute[label=".add_route()" shape=rect style=rounded];
addrouter[label=".add_router()" shape=rect style=rounded];
addapp[label=".add_apps()" shape=rect style=rounded];

appevents[label=".add_app_events()" shape=rect style=rounded];
approutes[label=".add_app_routes()" shape=rect style=rounded];
approuters[label=".add_app_routers()" shape=rect style=rounded];

eventattr[label=".events" shape=plain style=rounded];
routeattr[label=".routes" shape=plain style=rounded];
routerattr[label=".routers" shape=plain style=rounded];

subgraph cluster {
   label=< <B>msdss-base-api.core.API (add_app_events/routes/routers)</B> >;

   addevent -> eventattr -> appevents -> addapp;
   addroute -> routeattr -> approutes -> addapp;
   addrouter -> routerattr -> approuters -> addapp;

For more information on combining app routes, routers, and events, see: