Source code for helpers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from itertools import product

import requests
import shutil

[docs]def api_list(apiargs): """Google Street View Image API results. Constructs a list of `Google Street View Image API queries <>`_ from a dictionary. Args: apiargs (listof dict): Dict containing `street view URL parameters <>`_. Each parameter can have multiple values if separated by ``;``. Returns: A ``listof dict`` containing single query requests per dictionary for Google Street View Image API. Examples: :: # Import google_streetview for the api and helper module import google_streetview.api import google_streetview.helpers # Create a dictionary with multiple parameters separated by ; apiargs = { 'location': '46.414382,10.013988;40.720032,-73.988354', 'size': '640x300;640x640', 'heading': '0;90;180;270', 'fov': '0;90;120', 'pitch': '-90;0;90' } # Get a list of all possible queries from multiple parameters api_list = google_streetview.helpers.api_list(apiargs) # Create a results object for all possible queries results = google_streetview.api.results(api_list) # Preview results results.preview() # Download images to directory 'downloads' results.download_links('downloads') # Save metadata results.save_metadata('metadata.json') """ # (api_query) Query combinations for each parameter api_queries = {} keywords = [k for k in apiargs] for k in keywords: if k in apiargs: api_queries[k] = apiargs[k].split(';') apiargs.pop(k, None) # (api_list) Build list of api requests based on query combinations out = [] keys = [k for k in api_queries] queries = [api_queries[k] for k in api_queries] combinations = product(*queries) for combo in combinations: api_copy = apiargs.copy() for k, parameter in zip(keys, combo): api_copy[k] = parameter out.append(api_copy) return(out)
def download(url, file_path): r = requests.get(url, stream=True) if r.status_code == 200: # if request is successful with open(file_path, 'wb') as f: r.raw.decode_content = True shutil.copyfileobj(r.raw, f)